Global Partners

We delight to partner with people who have been called by God to participate in God’s mission of reaching the whole world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. We’re totally committed to the vision of Matthew 24:14: “And this good news of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the world, as a testimony to all the nations; and then the end will come.”

During our church’s 97 year history we’ve consistently had a global vision, and over those years we’ve sent out or supported many people to go as Christ’s ambassadors. We’re grateful to God for our eight current ‘Global Partners’, individuals and families, who serve both locally and overseas. Some of the countries where you will find members of our ROBC family in certain parts of Central and South East Asia.

Our Global Partners committee meets monthly to support this work. Apart from keeping up with news so we can pray purposefully, we also encourage the wider congregation to be involved in prayerfully and financially supporting our global partners. During the Sunday service at the end of each month we have a special focus on one of our global partners and profile their work and pray specifically for them.

If you are interested in finding out more about the work of our global partners and how you can become more involved in a support role, or if you have any other questions, please contact our church office.